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Chia Forks



Detailed introduction

50% prefarming! ‘‘Ohh it is not about how much we prefarmed, it is all about how we will spend it. We will not even need IPO. We have decentralised currency of which we will control 50% plus. Trust us! Muhaha!’’ Seriously People!? They have no shame! One has to be dreaming to believe it. This is exactly what Achi is not.

Achi features zero prefarming and dynamically sized difficulty and block sizes. It provides transactional functionality from get go, it incentivises independent timelords and farmers to secure the blockchain cooperatively. It is not compatible on farming level with existing corporate blockchains. It is coded as how Proof of Space and Proof of Work blockchain should have been done in the first place.

All the free spirted people of the world are invited to join and to move forward together as farmers, timelords, users, and developers. Together we have this opportunity to innovate. Together we can create and maintain the first truly decentralised and independent currency of the word!

“mainnet” is active;
small fraction of rewards goes to fastest timelord;
Needs custom plots (see FAQ)