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Chia Forks


Detailed introduction

First of first: Never drink driving.

Second: Don’t be drunk at the Release Day!

D-dayAug-6-2021(the next day of the first thursday of Augest)

Beer is a modern community-centric green cryptocurrency based on a proof-of-space-and-time consensus algorithm. It is a community-supported fork of the Chia Network codebase.

For more information, see our website is coming soon.

Python 3.7+ is required. Make sure your default python version is >=3.7 by typing python3.

If you are behind a NAT, it can be difficult for peers outside your subnet to reach you when they start up. You can enable UPnP on your router or add a NAT (for IPv4 but not IPv6) and firewall rules to allow TCP port 15899 access to your peer. These methods tend to be router make/model specific.

Most users should only install harvesters, farmers, plotter, full nodes, and wallets. Building Timelords and VDFs is for sophisticated users, in most environments. Beer Network and additional volunteers(if you wanna be one of us, contact us!) are running sufficient Timelords for consensus.

Github page says “D-day Aug-6-2021”; probably “live” now
still has low difficulty, competing chains, and lost rewards;
2021-08-19 chain seems to be running again