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Chia Forks



Detailed introduction

BTCgreen strives to become the green cryptocurrency alternative to Bitcoin. While Bitcoin uses the Proof of Work (PoW) cryptographic method to validate transactions, which is extremely energy-consuming. BTCgreen is a fork of Chia and uses Proof of Space and Proof of Time (PoST) consensus algorithm.

BTCgreen is a Eco-Friendly Bitcoin Alternative

We are inspired by the outstanding technical work and idea of the Chia Network project. Given the recent concerns about Bitcoin’s energy consumption, mixed with our belief that there is always a better/smarter way to achieve results, we decided that we want to be a part of the solution.

The Chia Network created their native currency driven by the belief that “cryptocurrency should be easier to use than cash, harder to lose, and nearly impossible to steal”.

In general, mining requires rigs that consume significant amounts of energy and require additional infrastructure investments, such as hardware, broadband connectivity, and other essential components, which together contribute to an overall high carbon footprint. This is where BTCgreen is different. Cryptocurrencies can be green.