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Chia Forks


Detailed introduction


GoldCoin Network®

GoldCoin Network is a cryptocurrency based on Chia’s Proof of Space and Time consensus algorithm.

GoldCoin aims to become a viable day-to-day currency by being used to pay things that you love and act as a store of value.

This without any control of any sort, fully decentralized.

Proof of Space & Time consensus is the answer to both environnemental and economical downsides Proof of work cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are facing.
Even with a Netspace of 100 EiB, GoldCoin would still consumme 0.04% of Bitcoin’s annual electrical consumption. GoldCoin transactions are most of the time free (or less than 1% at worst) and instant as farmers are always encouraged to farm blocks.

Start farming Gold with your unused space storage !