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Mining Pool



Detailed introduction

AWpool uses the original deadline method created by the original POC ecosystem to calculate contribution points according to the deadline submitted by the user host. The smaller the deadline value, the greater the assigned contribution points obtained. Awpool calculates the weight of each user’s income distribution based on the deadline submission of each user’s latest 1200 blocks (3 days). The maximum accepted value of deadline is 86400.

A new user enters AWpool. In the first three days, since there is no historical DL for new host access, the planting income gradually increases from 0, and it can reach the normal level after 3 days of access. When the user stops uploading DL due to a power outage, or the machine is removed, the revenue will gradually decrease as the DL decreases. This process is three days, and the machine will still have revenue within three days of shutdown.

According to the above method of assigning contribution points according to the deadline report, the two batches of hosts with the same computing power have different DL submitted by each machine, so the lucky value is different, so the weight of the income distribution is different. Therefore, the daily income of planting will not be exactly the same. In the long run, there is not much difference. This difference is caused by the principle of POC planting.