FarmingHub | The world's leading Chia information service navigator

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Detailed introduction

Manage your Chia and Chia’s Forks farmers in a more efficient and automated way. Because you probable noticed that there are a lot of new forks and it’s getting complicated to manage them at the same time. Lets assume you have a single host with your plots mounted. You can use this playbook to keep your forks up to date. Suppose you have a more complex infrastructure. You have one host with farmers and other one with your plots. You can automatically configure your farmer (as a primary host) and you can also automatically configure your harvester to join your main farmer). So i think you are going to enjoy this Ansible Playbook. And I know it because you are going to perform most common operations with a little of initial setup. After you set it up. You can/may/should/must (Pick one at your preference) schedule this tasks (I.E.: In a crontab).